
Using Employee Monitoring to Boost Productivity

Employee monitoring is an incredibly useful tool for any company. Not only is it handy to make sure that your employees are doing the work that they’re supposed to be doing, but it can provide useful stats regarding their work habits and how they spend their time. Yet, with all this data, it can be difficult to figure out how to best utilize this information to help boost your employees’ productivity. While there is limitless potential with the data you collect, there are a few key things you can start with that should give you good results right off the bat.
Employee Monitoring to Boost Productivity

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Limit distractions

Whenever your employees have access to the internet, they will be tempted to give in to certain distractions. This might include browsing social media, watching videos, doing online shopping, or even playing video games. Any time spent on these distractions is time not spent being productive. With employee monitoring software, it’s easy to find out when your employees are partaking in distractions such as these and how long they spend on them. With this information, you can warn your employees about wasting time on these distractions or even block access to them altogether.

Analyze peak working hours

By having monitoring software installed on every employee’s work computer, it’s possible to gather data on all your employees’ most active hours. Using this, you can figure out at what times of the day they are most productive. Once you have looked through the data to see when your employees’ peak hours for productivity are, you can adjust their schedules accordingly. You can encourage them to focus their efforts on working during their peak hours, and then schedule breaks or meetings for when they are the least productive. Doing this will help them recuperate during their less productive hours so they can focus better later.

Automate timesheets

Recording timesheets is often both time-consuming as well as tedious for all involved. Instead of spending valuable working hours filling out timesheets, why not automate the process? Using employee monitoring software, it’s possible to record your employees’ working hours and put it into a spreadsheet to create your weekly timesheets. By having this process automated, it frees up time that could be spent on more important work.

Manage important tasks

Employee monitoring software can help make managers more productive by keeping track of what tasks employees are working on. Managers will be able to tell when an employee starts working on a task that’s of lower priority than others and can guide the employee back to working on more critical assignments. Managers will also be able to keep track of how long employees spend on each task and can give advice if the employee appears to be struggling.


As you can see, employee monitoring can give you a lot of useful data that can then be used to boost productivity for the entire company. While there are even more ways you can use the information gathered from your monitoring software, these are great starting points to give you an idea of just how beneficial it can be.


SoftActivity Team
September 17th, 2018