
Quantum Security: What Is It and Why Should You Pay Attention to It?

If you have heard of quantum computing or cryptography, you may be asking, what is quantum security, and should I pay attention to it? 

Quantum computers will help us solve some of the most complex security problems in modern internet infrastructures. There would be significant challenges in building the entire internet again from scratch to keep users safe. However, attackers are constantly innovating to get around security measures. Programs need to be updated more often to keep the data secure.

Modern quantum computing is vastly superior to traditional computers in terms of security. For example, quantum systems use random numbers and intrinsically resist outside interference. 

Quantum technology in computing is becoming more accessible and available for purchase. Systems like these can help ensure your data is safe from hackers if that’s what you’re most concerned about.

What is Quantum Computing, and Why is it so Important?  

Quantum computing is the latest technological innovation in computational technology. It uses the principles of quantum mechanics like entanglement and superposition to perform computations significantly faster than any other classical computer machine. These principles help to make processing, storing, and manipulating large amounts of data faster and more efficient- which can, in turn, be used for many different applications in the computing world. Still, it can also have more nefarious uses.

Quantum computers are a type of machine that’s already being developed and will be able to solve problems that ordinary computers can’t. Random number generators and public key algorithms are two major cryptographic technologies that would be vulnerable if large-scale quantum computers were released. This will affect how people implement digital security protocols, and it may also have an impact on many industries. 

How Will Quantum Computing Impact Cryptography? 

Quantum computing is a new technology that, with enough time and effort, could threaten cybersecurity, especially the security of sensitive data. By taking the proper precautions now, organizations can limit those risks and be better prepared for new and highly technical security threats. Thankfully, there are technologies today that can be implemented to protect against quantum and classic computer attacks. Strong encryption starts with a source of genuine randomness (entropy); keys must not be vulnerable to prediction. Random number patterns will be crucial once quantum computing is fully released. 

Quantum machines are capable of identifying patterns much more efficiently than traditional computers. We will no longer be able to rely on Pseudo Random Number Generators as they are quickly biased by their surroundings, which means they will eventually not provide enough randomness.

We need a more advanced cyberinfrastructure that is ready for quantum attacks. If we have this, we will be better protected and able to avoid these problems. Post-Quantum Cryptography (also known as Quantum-Resistant Cryptography) aims to create a decentralized system that can provide security and privacy while still being compatible with current communication systems and the more complicated quantum computers.

Although any integer number can be broken down into the product of primes, it is not easy to find their factors. A big part of our online security relies on the assumption that it is impossible to factor in large numbers. 

In 1995, Peter Shor suggested a quantum algorithm for factoring. Shor’s algorithm is arguably the most dramatic example of how quantum computing has changed our perception of which problems are possible to solve.

What is Being Done About Future Quantum Threats?

While we know that quantum computing’s power exceeds traditional computers in many ways, there is hope for computer security. Experts are doing everything they can to protect companies against attacks, including introducing a new post-quantum cryptography standard. There are ways that enterprises can prepare for the quantum computing era.

How to Prepare for Quantum Security in the Workplace

Businesses have time to come up with quantum-safe solutions, but there is not a lot of time before the rise of quantum computers. Moving to new cryptography is time-consuming and difficult. Industry experts can’t predict when a large-scale quantum computer will be available, but research is progressing quickly, and it could happen soon.

There is a threat that hackers can steal encrypted data from encrypted databases and then crack the encryption using a quantum computer. This means that some of your sensitive data is already at risk, and you need to do what you can to protect it. The US government requires all agencies to use new software that generates post-quantum encryption keys to protect critical infrastructure and national security systems such as the National Security Agency.

In response to the potential threat of quantum computers, the Global Future Council on Cybersecurity has made recommendations through a report that will help businesses formulate a game plan for tackling cybersecurity challenges in quantum computing.

Organizations should assess risks that may affect their company concerning all data that needs to remain secure. This new report can help organizations know where to apply security. The recommendations can help them prepare for the paradigm shifts that quantum computing has created within their industry and make them safer from a possible quantum attack.

Using employee monitoring software is one of the best steps to protect your company in an era where cyber insecurity is an increasingly prominent concern. Employee monitoring software can identify employee behavioral patterns, increasing security and making your workplace more efficient and productive.


You may not yet be able to fight the risks of quantum computing on an individual basis, but you can still go on the offensive by implementing security protocols. Business owners can take several security measures to keep their organization safe, especially in the era of a work-from-home or hybrid workforce. Segmentation, the principle of least privilege, and other criteria offer great ways to protect your business from vulnerabilities.

One of the critical risks resulting in workplace vulnerabilities is caused by poor network security. For example, someone might be able to infect the company’s system with a virus simply because they still use old operating systems. The best way to protect against breaches of these sorts is with suitable security measures, like employee monitoring software, a firewall, and anti-virus software.

Employers with an active employee monitoring solution are assured of a more productive workforce. Not only do productivity and employee monitoring go hand in hand, but they benefit your company and your bottom line by improving profitability and managerial efficiency.

Reduce risk and increase safe practice − the benefits go on and on. You can learn more by educating staff and monitoring tools, but the key to prevention is preparation.

Monitoring software also encourages staff by ensuring that they are rewarded for the work they are doing and paid accordingly. This is an excellent way to improve control and motivate your team.

Get started securing your business today with a free trial from SoftActivity, or learn more about our Activity Monitor.

By SoftActivity Team.

December 19th, 2022