
How To Monitor Employees Working From Home

As the world continues to adjust to changes in how we work, now more than ever, businesses understand the importance of maintaining and managing remote teams. 

But with change come challenges, and inadequate visibility into employee performance can hurt business operations and morale among staff. 

Fortunately, technology has made it easier for small businesses and remote business owners to monitor employees even when working from home. 

This blog post will cover steps you can take today to monitor employees while working remotely effectively.

Challenges of Remote Employee Monitoring And Why It Is Important

Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, and monitoring the productivity and effectiveness of remote employees is essential for maintaining business success. In today’s dynamic and technology-driven work environment, the challenge of monitoring remote employees has become increasingly significant. 

As more and more organizations adopt flexible and remote working policies, ensuring employee productivity, efficiency, and performance can be quite an uphill battle. 

Remote employee monitoring plays a crucial role in this process, as it enables managers to assess the contributions of each employee and make informed decisions based on their performances

However, balancing monitoring and respecting employees’ privacy is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive work environment

Understanding the importance of remote employee monitoring can be crucial to an organization’s overall success and growth in these unprecedented times.

Key Metrics To Measure When Monitoring Employees Working From Home

One key metric to measure is the employee’s output, which can be tracked by analyzing work completed and goals and milestones achieved. Additionally, tracking communication frequency – such as the number of emails sent, conference calls attended, or messages exchanged – is an excellent indicator of an individual’s engagement and collaboration with their team. 

Monitoring time management is another important aspect, including how efficiently employees utilize their work hours to deliver results. 

Lastly, keeping track of each employee’s professional development and growth opportunities can further support remote teams by ensuring continued skill development and increased job satisfaction. 

Focusing on these metrics can provide a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of employees working from home, enabling employers to make informed decisions on supporting their remote staff.

Elements of Employee Monitoring Software

Employee monitoring software can use various technologies to track remote workers’ activities. 

Computer monitoring software generally captures and records employees’ activities on their computers, giving insights into how they spend their time during the workday. 

Additionally, some employers utilize attendance systems to track employees’ arrival and departure times or even GPS tracking for remote or field-based employees. For example, employers can use online time-tracking tools to monitor when employees log into work accounts and how long they spend on tasks. 

It may also use screen monitoring, which captures real-time snapshots or video of the employee’s computer screen. This allows employers to observe what their remote workers are doing while they work and see if inappropriate behavior occurs. Employers also have access to this data should they wish.

Recently, keystroke logging software has been implemented by some organizations to track each keypress by an employee, revealing potential security risks or identifying areas for productivity improvement. Keystroke logging (or keylogging or keyboard capturing) tracks and records each key pressed by an employee on a computer. This data is then collected, stored, and analyzed to reveal information about employee productivity and security risks. Keystroke logging provides employers with valuable insight into how their employees are using their computers.

For greater security, a team’s messaging software can be used to keep track of which employees are communicating with each other and what information is being shared. This software allows companies to track and monitor employee communications on the messaging platform. 

This type of monitoring can be used to gain valuable insights into employee productivity, team dynamics, customer interactions, and more. Companies can set up filters and alerts for certain keywords or phrases that might indicate a problem or potential issue in the organization. Monitoring can also give companies visibility into how messaging is used for collaboration purposes, thus helping them focus on areas where improvements must be made.

Tips For Setting Up And Using Employee Monitoring Software

Implementing employee monitoring software can be a highly effective way to increase productivity, ensure data security, and gain insights into your team’s work habits. 

To ensure a smooth set-up, carefully research and select a software solution that fits your organization’s needs and complies with local privacy legislation. Upon choosing the right tool, involve your employees in the process by discussing the reasons for implementing monitoring software and addressing any concerns they may have. 

Develop a clear and transparent policy outlining the monitoring’s purpose, scope, and limitations, ensuring a balance between the employees’ rights to privacy and the company’s operational needs. 

Training is essential to ensure employees and supervisors have the necessary knowledge to use the software effectively. This includes understanding the various reporting features, tracking mechanisms, and analysis tools provided. 

Finally, utilize the data collected to identify areas for improvement, provide constructive feedback, and optimize your team’s overall efficiency.

Managing Remote Teams And Enabling Successful Outcomes With Remote Employee Monitoring

Effectively managing remote teams and ensuring successful outcomes with remote employee monitoring requires a balance between encouraging autonomy and maintaining clear communication. With the right tools and metrics in place, monitoring remote employees is possible and can be very successful with the right approach. 

When setting up an employee monitoring system from home, establish clear policies, procedures, expectations, and guidelines that are communicated to all remote personnel, so everyone is on the same page. 

SoftActivity offers some of the most sophisticated cloud-based employee monitoring systems, SoftActivity Work, that allows employers to manage their company even when people are not in an office setting. Get Started today with SoftActivity Work cloud software.

By SoftActivity Team.

March 27th, 2023