
The Importance Of Offboarding For Insider Threat Protection

August 8th, 2022

Taking care of insider threat concerns has never been more important. With the Great Resignation, more businesses with online data security vulnerabilities, and an increasing number of businesses moving remote, it’s become more important than ever to hit all of the security best practices to reduce the risk of a security breach. 

One of the most important best practices is offboarding employees, contractors, and third parties to protect company data. These articles talk about why that’s so important and how to do so:

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Protecting Your Internet Of Things (IoT) And Connected Devices

August 1st, 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next major security threat to modern society. Most people unknowingly interact with the IoT without realizing how big the risk is to their personal online data and their business data. 

Businesses, especially those with employees who work from home, need to protect their data and company security from vulnerabilities caused by IoT devices. Read on to learn the security risks of IoT and how to protect IoT and connected devices.

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Implementing an Effective Productivity Monitoring System: A Guide for Managers

July 25th, 2022

Poor company productivity can make or break any business. If your workers are procrastinating, inefficient, or not getting tasks done on time, you could fall victim to time theft and fall behind the competition. 

Luckily, productivity monitoring is simple to implement and can quite quickly resolve your productivity issues. Here is an overview of how to set up your productivity monitoring system. 

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Time Tracking For Your Remote Workforce

July 18th, 2022

Operating with a remote workforce offers businesses numerous benefits. Remote workforces are on the rise, and more companies should prepare to bring in at least some remote or hybrid workers at some point in time. 

Remote workforces might seem like an enigma to some. After all, how can these businesses gain a profit from a remote workforce if they can’t oversee their employees? 

Brought on by the rise of the gig economy and the use cases of advanced technologies and software, businesses with remote workers will find that they can keep track of their remote workforce using time tracking software. 

Here’s everything you need to know about remote workforce management with time tracking:

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SoftActivity version 12.9 released

July 12th, 2022

SoftActivity announces the release of new version 12.9 of its employee productivity tracking software products, SoftActivity Monitor and TS Monitor. This software is also used by a lot of organizations for insider threat detection.

Upgrade is recommended to all users.

What’s new in version 12.9

  • [improved]: Attendance report now shows an end of session immediately after a remote computer is shutdown, put into sleep mode, or a laptop lid has been closed. Previously it was not shown until the next day, and some sessions remained active. PDF was showing end of session “unknown”.
  • [fix]: email alert was sent even if it’s disabled for the alert rule.
  • If the client app is in Visible mode (Notify Users option is ON), the UI now does not cover part of the user’s screen. Instead of an always-on, on-screen badge, it will now just remind them daily with a system notifications and show an icon in tray. We encourage customers to switch the client app into Visible Mode, which helps protect employees’ privacy rights.
  • improved security: increased passwords complexity requirements.
  • improved support of high-DPI monitors, and multi-monitor setups with different DPI scaling (100%, 150%, etc.).
  • other fixes and improvements.
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How The Great Resignation Brought About More Insider Threats and What to Do About It

July 11th, 2022

The 2020s have seen shifting tides in workplace culture, human resource (HR) management, and the job force. What also came about was the Great Resignation, which increased job turnover stemmed from the global pandemic. 

The Great Resignation, much like the economic downturns of the 2020s, is greatly impacting the workforce in numerous unknown and trackable ways. One impact is the rise of insider threats. 

Here’s how the shifting workplace and the Great Resignation are encouraging insider threats and what businesses can do about it:

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6 Key Productivity Red Flags To Look Out For In The Workplace

July 4th, 2022

The cost of poor productivity is extremely high, so you want to catch it before it infiltrates your workplace too much. Poor productivity in the workplace leads to losses in ROI, high employee turnover, and ultimately unhappy customers, all of which cost companies thousands of dollars

Luckily, with employee monitoring software and other employee tracking tools, you can catch these red flags quickly and stop them from getting worse!

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